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What Our Clients Say About Teddy Soccer

Teddy Tennis is accessible to every child, regardless of their ability. Everyone is able to participate at their own level with the focus on skills progression and fun. Children are active and engaged throughout the session, enjoying every minute of it.

There is a fantastic development of basic skills with a strong focus on individual children. Teddy Tennis are excellent role models in instigating a long term love of physical activity. The coaches are friendly, professional and highly skilled. We would not hesitate in highly recommending Teddy Tennis.

My 3 year old daughter LOVED her Teddy Tennis party! It was so well organised and fun and it allowed me time as a parent to run around and organise food etc while the kids were occupied…. I would definitely book them again and recommend them to my friends.

Teddy Tennis remains a Saturday morning favourite for my son. Having attended for the past 15 months now from the age of two and a half, he still loves the warm up whether it is playing animals or pirates through to the tennis ball hitting.

As a nursery manager I have to express how impressed I am with every aspect of Teddy Tennis….. furthermore, I have also had brilliant feedback from parents who often express how much their children love taking part in the sessions….

I like Chloe Bear because she has a nice flower in her hair and I like hitting the ball with my friends. It is fun – can we go again now?

Daddy, I really like teddy tennis!

We think it is a great idea for the 3 and 5 year olds to build a foundation of good all round athletic fundamentals with music and pictures to help the youngsters understand the learning experience of tennis, we wish them well in their venture

I am a PTR and LTA qualified coach and have worked at the Richard Kraijcek tennis foundation in Holland for five years. I have seen lessons to some kids from Teddy Tennis and they all have good technique, good coordination and great tennis skills. Teddy Tennis has given them the basic foundation. It’s great!”

Teddy Tennis is a unique and innovative program that introduces children to the fundamentals of tennis.

The unique approach of combining music with motion creates an ideal learning environment for children of all ages and abilities to develop sound athletic and tennis skills.

A child could not receive a better start to tennis. Teddy Tennis is the best I have seen.

Since we’ve had Teddy Tennis at my school, the difference that I’ve seen in my pupils, are that they are just so enthusiastic about sport in general. They can see their own skills developing, they love the arrival of Head Ted because they know they’re going to have fun; lots of music while they do their tennis skills, so they just love every minute of it.

Teddy Tennis has been a ‘smashing hit’ and the kids can’t get enough of it. The growth and progression of the kids is phenomenal! It gives me tremendous joy and satisfaction to see them move along with their skills and watch their enthusiasm. It is truly fantastic!

Here at Regents Place the children always look forward to Wednesday, as they know it is Teddy Tennis day. The children love participating in the activity and they love Josh Dawson who teaches. Josh is very child friendly and teaches the children very well.

This is the 3rd year the school has participated in the Teddy Tennis program. The children look forward to Charlie Bear arriving each Friday afternoon and it’s wonderful to hear their enjoyment during the session. Each group is making good progress thanks to the ingenious activities which promote the fundamental tennis skills needed.

It’s been two years since introducing Teddy Tennis to the children at our Nursery, as part of our weekly activities and they absolutely love it!!!! Teddy Tennis is a good way to cover some areas of the EYFS curriculum such as PD & PESD. Our Teddy tennis coaches, Josh and Tommy are very friendly and extremely popular amongst the children, making the teddy tennis session a very enjoyable time of the week!!
I strongly recommend Teddy Tennis if you are looking to offer your children that extra activities, which will boost your image.

Teddy Tennis is a great class for all our children. Our children as young as 1½ take part in the lesson. The teachers are all very enthusiastic and great with all the ages. They always take the time to help the younger children as they need a little more support and more basic language, with the older children they are not afraid to get involved, run around and join in. A great class for us here at Coombe Day Nursery.

Our Children aged between 3-7 years have all progressed so well with their tennis skills since Teddy Tennis was introduced at Emberhurst.
The Children LOVE Teddy Tennis Days at School and are so excited to get involved in the fun and games that the Teddy Tennis Team have to offer when they come in.
Josh and his team are fantastic with the Children and do a brilliant job at nurturing all ages and supporting all abilities

We were approached by Teddy Tennis in January 2014 when they offered us a free trial session for our Nursery Classes.

Instantly the children were engaged. With clear instructions, actions to follow, music and pictures, activities pitched at just the right level, we decided to book 6 sessions.

Since then we have gone on to hold an after school club, sessions in the three Reception classes and now this years Nursery intake have just begun their sessions. They have continued to deliver an excellent standard of coaching and have supported the teachers in their own CPD and confidence in delivering elements of the lessons. The children who played tennis in the Nursery last academic year are showing great improvement following their sessions this term.

Talk to any of the parents, and as soon as you say Teddy Tennis, the response is always the same ‘ X loves Teddy Tennis!

I must say how impressed we all are at Maple Infants’ with the reliability, punctuality, professionalism and enthusiasm of all the coaches. In particular Josh ‘bear’ who is extremely popular with all the children and staff!

We have no hesitation in recommending Teddy Tennis to any school or Nursery. Please feel free to contact me should you require any more information.

My son is almost 4 and loves Teddy Tennis. He even prefers these classes over football. They (Teddy Tennis) have figured out how to motivate kids!

Teddy Tennis is light and wonderful, it inspires; my daughter loved every second of it..

She didn’t like tennis before but she enjoyed her Teddy Tennis. She likes “bouncy” music and catching the balls.

Teddy Tennis is a lot of fun for the children
– absolutely lovely

Teddy Tennis is a fantastic way to help young children learn mobility skills in a fun filled atmosphere. The unique approach with the musical activities adds to the fun, my son Joshua really looks forward to it.

Thank you for a great summer of Teddy Tennis. We live in New York and have just spent our vacation in London. We signed our four year old daughter up for four weeks of Teddy Tennis camp and she has LOVED it. She wakes every morning and can’t wait to get to the courts. She sings the songs, she has learnt to catch and to volley and made some friends. The coaches are great fun and very professional. There is nothing like this in Manhattan – we really wish there was.

After just 5 days of Teddy Tennis my daughter Jessica’s racket, ball and co-ordination has improved hugely. A fantastic course that introduces children to the skill and fun of tennis.

My son Zac loved the Teddy Tennis classes in London, but now we have moved to Singapore and the conventional tennis lessons are just too boring to keep him interested. We miss Teddy Tennis!

Just wanted to say how happy we are with your program! Reese LOVES it and I’m so impressed with how the program is run and organized. Thanks for your great work! I’m a teacher myself and do appreciate how difficult it can be to keep 4 year olds organized and you do it so well!


After just two terms of Teddy Tennis my (just turned) 4yo has a better technique & understanding of tennis than I do. I love that she has such a fine appreciation of a great game at such a young age.

Sadly, it seems we’ll be leaving Egypt by the end of April due to my husband’s work requirements, headed for the UAE.

The kids loved Teddy Tennis, Alia came home beaming with her certificate of completion and hung it up in her room ? but poor Khairy was too sick to attend the last session.

Please do keep us posted should you decide to hold any teddy tennis lessons in Dubai.

Amelie has tried lots of different children’s activities but Teddy Tennis is the first one she actually enjoyed!

We booked her in for a week and she wanted to come back for more sessions. Her co-ordination has improved and she has overcome her shyness and now joins in .


Teddy Tennis is really nice, my son is having loads of fun and he really enjoys it. He used to go to other activities but he didn’t like them as much as Teddy Tennis.
Love it!! Recommend it for all Mums ?

My young daughter cannot wait to get to her Teddy Tennis Class, it is the highlight of her week!

Teddy Tennis was a fantastic way to introduce my 3.5 yr old son to the sport.

He absolutely loved it and learnt different skills by copying the moves of a range of teddy bear characters. Each week presented a different tennis move and related song that played on a background DVD that all the mums ended up singing to!

I would definitely recommend Teddy Tennis to any discerning parent.